What to Expect Before Your Vasectomy


  1. If your partner has already had a tubal ligation (female sterilization), of if she is pregnant now and may have a tubal ligation during a Ceasarean delivery, please let me know during our consultation.
  2. Understand the alternatvies to vasectomy so that you are confident in your choice.
  1. Do not take any aspirin-containing medication for five days before the procedure.
  2. If you are taking TESTOSTERONE for “low T” please list it as one of your medications
  3. Eat before your procedure, a normal breakfast or lunch. Nervous men who do not eat beforehand are more likely to become lightheaded during or after their vasectomies.
  1. Understand the “Instructions Following Vasectomy” below so that you know what to expect.

Please shave the underside of the penis and the front wall of the scrotum, preferably before the day of the procedure. A bit of alcohol is used to clean the skin before use of the MadaJet and it can sting slightly right after a fresh shave if the skin is chafed.

Use no powder or deodorant in the genital area on the day of your procedure.

bring an athletic supporter. One can be purchased at our office for 20$ if your forget

Be prepared to sign the operative consent sheet upon your arrival in the office.

If possible, arrange to have someone drive you home. A flat tire or fender bender could lead to complications, and some men who leave the office feeling great will experience delayed light-headedness. If you must drive yourself, drive in the right-hand lane so that you can pull over if you begin to feel lightheaded.

Plan to do nothing but recline at home (sofa or bed) on the afternoon and evening of the vasectomy.
